The association

From the calling to the people behind it to the history

About the Diakonieverein Eckental

The association wants to practice a contemporary form of the Diakonie in Eckental and the surrounding area under the given circumstances.
It wants to work wherever fellow human beings need his help and care.


The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit, charitable and ecclesiastical purposes within the meaning of the section “Non-profit purposes” of the tax code (Section 52, Paragraph 2 AO):

  • promoting the youth and elderly care
    through the operation of a meeting place in the rooms and on the grounds of the association's own house, at Bismarckstrasse 17 in Eckental and through collaboration with the Martha-Maria senior center in Forth
  • Promoting the operation of a „Tafel“ 
  • promoting the Help for refugees
    through cooperation with local refugee aid

The association works selflessly. When fulfilling its tasks, the association also ensures that women and men work together on equal terms.

Our board

The faces behind the curtain

Der frisch gewählte Vorstand des Diakonievereins Eckental im Juli 2021
The newly elected board of the Eckental Diakonieverein in July 2021
Ute Krahl

Ute Krahl

1st Chairman

Stefanie Grasruck

Stefanie Grasruck


Stephanie Löffler

Stephanie Löffler


Herbert Sommerer

Herbert Sommerer


Thomas Wörle

Thomas Wörle


Bernd Vogel

Bernd Vogel


become a member

Every association lives from the commitment of its active members.

If you would like to actively participate in the tasks of our association, please contact us. We look forward to your interest and your suggestions.


Here You can find the 

Membership application

 to download and print:

Of course, you can also support the Diakonieverein through a “passive” membership and thus help ensure that we can continue to make our contribution to the well-being of the citizens in Eckental and the surrounding area in the future.

We would be happy to talk to you and answer your questions.


Anniversary, offer successes & personnel changes

The five-year anniversary of the “Haus der Diakonie” is duly celebrated with a two-day summer festival. The “Senior Care” and “Tafel Eckental” offers are becoming increasingly popular. Change in employees. Sandra Hoppe takes over the management of the Tafel and Gabriele Patzer joins the Diakonieverein as head of senior care

Corona, retirement, flood victims & storytelling café

Dreijähriges Bestehen des neuen „Haus der Diakonie“. Wegen Corona musste die Seniorenbetreuung über drei Monate geschlossen bleiben. Der Start erfolgte mit neuem Konzept an drei Wochentagen und entsprechend der geltenden Hygieneregeln. Die Tafel wurde bereits nach 14-tägiger Corona-Unterbrechung mit vollkommen neuen Abläufen und einem wesentlich erweiterten Team der Ehrenamtlichen am…Read More

Good acceptance

Good acceptance of the offers: the number of Tafel customers is growing to over 150 people, and the third group is already being planned for senior care.

Street festival: Diakonieverein + refugee initiative FLEck e.V.

joint street festival Diakonieverein/refugee initiative FLEck e.V.

40th anniversary & open day

Celebration of the 40th anniversary and open day in the renovated “Haus der Diakonie”, Bismarckstr. 17. Start of the newly established “Tafel Eckental” and “Senior Care” offerings. Setting up a pick-up and delivery service for senior care.

Statutes, “House of the Diakonie” & Deacon

New statutes of the Diakonieverein Eckental. Implementation of renovation work in the Bismarckstr. 17 on the “House of the Diakonie”. Hiring a deacon to develop new areas of activity

Moving, selling & new concept

Relocation of the residents of the Diaconal Center to the senior center newly built by Martha-Maria, Martha-Maria, Dr. Rolf-Filler-Str. 1, Forth. Sale of the Diaconal Center to the settlement agency of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria for the purpose of converting it into refugee accommodation. Development of a new concept for the Diakonieverein

Cooperation agreement

Cooperation agreement with Martha-Maria Nuremberg and resolution to abandon the Diaconal Center and sell the old building

Agency agreement

Management agreement for the Diakonisches Zentrum with the Diakoniewerk Martha-Maria in Nuremberg

Change in legal form

Change of legal form of the Eckental Diaconal Center into a GmbH

„Diakonisches Zentrum Eckental“

Inauguration of part of the new nursing home building with announcement of the new name “Diakonisches Zentrum Eckental”, increase to 52 beds plus 6 day care places


Increase in long-term care places from 14 to 18, as well as 12 short-term care places


Expansion of the day lounge in the short-term care home by 45 square meters. More nursing places will be created. Increase to 26 beds

Buying a house

Buying the house Bismarckstr. 17 for the social center and administration

10th founding festival

10th anniversary celebration and inauguration of the second construction phase of the nursing home

Short-term nursing home

Inauguration of the short-term nursing home with 12 beds, equipped for disabled people and connected to the social station.

nursing work

Aufnahme der pflegerischen Arbeit und Versorgung der Patienten durch die ersten beiden Krankenschwestern Festliche Einweihung der Diakoniestation in Forth, Bismarckstr. 20


Founding of the Diakonieverein by Dr. Rolf Filler

Our supporters

At this point we would like to thank the numerous companies and private individuals who support our work through donations in kind and money as well as through active cooperation.
If you would also like to be a supporter, we would be very happy! We welcome voluntary support at the Tafel and senior care as well as a monetary donation.

Account owner: Diakonieverein Eckental e. V. 
Credit institution: Sparkasse Erlangen 
IBAN: DE24 7635 0000 0007 0018 99



  • Aldi
  • Biobauer Fritz Bauer
  • Dorfladen Eckenhaid
  • Ebl
  • Edeka Eckental
  • Kalchreuther Bäcker
  • Lidl
  • Netto
  • Rewe
  • Roßmann
  • Volland


  • Gemeinde Eckental
  • Kirchenchor Forth
  • Kirchweihburschen Eckenhaid
  • Landkreis Erlangen-Höchstadt
  • Lions Club
  • Siedlerbund Eckenhaid
  • Sparkasse Erlangen

Further assistance

  • The many volunteers who support us with commitment, knowledge and energy
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