Offers related to senior care
target group

Our offer is aimed at seniors with (beginning) dementia who live at home and also at their caring relatives.
Current information

Because the Diakonieverein has received recognition from the nursing care insurance fund, the costs for afternoon care can be billed to the nursing care insurance fund.
Upon request, we offer a pick-up and delivery service for senior care.
Our goals

- Financial support, that is, meaningful employment that corresponds to the talents of the individual.
- Feeling good, that means we ensure a calm and trusting atmosphere that is good for the individual.
- social contacts, that is, experiencing community, maintaining social contacts and establishing new ones.
- Individual care, that is, the individual is supported mentally, physically and socially according to his abilities.
- discharge, which means that the caring relatives are supported and relieved in their strenuous and important task. The relatives can meet in their own group parallel to our offer and talk to each other.
our offer

We offer three-hour, varied and qualified support from specialists
- Drinking coffee together
- Singing, playing and doing crafts
- Sports activities and seated gymnastics
- And much more
to the care group
Simply print out the application and fill it out
All dates are displayed based on the following time zone:
Our care offer takes place
dienstags, mittwochs und donnerstags
from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
as well as our open breakfast café
from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
at the house of the Diakonie.