Die Tafel in Eckental

the Tafel

Your comprehensive on-site care

What is it about?

We are an independent food bank in Eckental and take care of people who are affected by or at risk of income poverty.

We collect donated food and give it to socially and economically disadvantaged people - as a symbolic contribution.

Our goals

Giving someone else what they need:

A piece of bread

A smile

An open ear

our offer

Depending on donations:

Offer 1
fruits and vegetables
with small blemishes
Offer 2
Baked goods, dairy products, sausage products, vegan
Offer 3
rice, noodles,
flour, sugar, salt
Offer 4
Drugstore items
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If you would like to support us in this work,
please answer back by telephone in the house of the Diakonie.


What requirements do I need to meet to be able to shop at the Tafel? All citizens from Eckental and the surrounding area are justified for an authorization certificate if they receive

  • ALG II (SGB II) / Hartz IV benefits (unemployment benefits II)
  • Basic security (SGB XII) in old age
  • Help with living expenses
  • A low income
  • A small pension
  • A housing allowance


Um einen Berechtigungsschein zu beantragen, bringen Sie bitte einen der oben genannten Bescheide sowie Ihren Personalausweis mit in unsere Geschäftsstelle.

The authorization certificates are always issued parallel to the output times.

get started without further ado

apply online immediately
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Für eine schnelle Bearbeitung bringen Sie bitte zum Ersttermin Ihre entsprechend gültigen Dokumente des Arbeitsamtes/Jobcenters bzw. Landreises mit & halten Sie auch Ihren Personal-Ausweis zur Identifikation bereit.
or alternatively our application form to print out/download
apply for additional ID


  1. Es ist eine Pre-registration is required:
    Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m
  2. collection in the house of the Diakonie:
    Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m
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